We all know how important sleep is in our lives. It is when we sleep that our body heals and repairs itself. It is also the time when the body produces antibodies against all the disease-causing antigen present in our body. And I am sure we will all agree to the fact that we all feel fresh after waking up after a good sleep. In an average, an adult needs about seven hours of good and sound sleep. But not all people feel the same way after waking up in the morning. There are many people in the world that wakes up all tired and sleepy. They feel inactive all day long and have no energy to function. Many a time it becomes difficult for them to even finish their basic household chores. Moreover, with the fast-moving world and with all the dreams and goals we have, we cannot just lay back and sleep all day. And there is a fair chance that such people are actually suffering from a sleep disorder. Most people do not take this condition seriously and try to fix the condition over a cup o...