Smart drugs are the new trend in the medical market today.
They are cognitive enhancers that help in the gradual cognitive development of
the brain. Along with that these medications help in waking up a person and
keeping them active all day.
Modafinil is a well known smart drug. One of its brand
versions is Modalert.
Like its parent compound Modafinil, Modalert too is FDA
Approved. Let us now look into the working of the Modalert smart pill.
The Orexin receptors are stimulated by the Modafinil
compound in the Modalert smart pill. Following this the Orexin peptide is
activated. This Orexin peptide is largely responsible for the wakefulness in an
individual. The Dopamine in the system is inhibited at the point of reuptake.
As the Dopamine reuptake is inhibited a pool of Dopamine is formed. This pooled
up Dopamine is used by the body later for its daily activities. Other hormones
like Histamine, Norepinephrine and Serotonin are also increased. The total
effect of the increase of this hormones and neurotransmitters gives the person
the euphoric effect. Let us now look at the uses of the Modalert smart
Being a Eugeroic its primary function is to wake
up a person and keep him or her active throughout the day.
Modalert also enhances our brain functions.
For night shift workers with Shift Work
disorder, this pill is especially helpful as it makes the worker stay awake.
It also helps in treating sleeping disorder like
Narcolepsy and Sleep Apnea, etc.
It can treat fatigue and depression.
Side Effects
Modalert has far lesser and milder side effects than Modafinil. Even with common side effects like fever, headache the intensity is far lesser. Any side effects, if seen should be immediately given medical supervision. The common side effects of Modalert are;
Upset Stomach
Dry Mouth
Always inform your doctor about any allergies,
ailments or medications that you might be taking.
Never consume this pill with alcohol.
Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid
this pill. The effects of smart drugs like Modalert are untested on
mothers and their babies.
Never take this pill with other smart drugs.
Patients with Angina (chest pain due to an
inadequate supply of oxygen to the heart muscle) should avoid the pill.
It should be noted that Modalert is not a
substitute for rest.

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