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Provigil is the medication for quick smartness

In this cutthroat environment, one can hardly afford to stay behind n their tasks and the accomplishment of their goals. One slow step and you are most likely to be surpassed by your competitor. A study has shown that the average person can maintain his/her focus at a stretch for 20 minutes or so. After that the person needs to refocus on his activity after a brief period of rest. But are 20 minutes enough to accomplish the tasks that the person set out to complete. Definitely not!

Maintaining focus for a longer period of time, with vigor and attention requires the help of an external medium. Smart drugs are definitely that medium. One of the most commonly known smart drugs is Provigil. Before we go into details about Provigil smart drug, let us know a little about the parent compound, Modafinil.

Modafinil is the world’s first oral smart drug to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration, USA for cognitive and wakefulness purposes. FDA approved the use of the medication in the year 1998.

Subsequently there are many brand versions of the medication Modafinil. Provigil is one of them. In fact Provigil is one of the popular meds for cognitive enhancement and wakefulness. Let us see how the med works.

Modafinil is the active ingredient in the Provigil smart pill. The Orexin receptors in the body (OX1 and OX2) are stimulated. Following the stimulation the Orexin peptide is stimulated. This Orexin peptide is responsible for the regulation of wakefulness, arousal and appetite of the body. The user starts feeling the wakefulness of the body. After this the neurotransmitter Dopamine is inhibited from being absorbed in the synapses after being produced by the Hypothalamus. This causes a pool of Dopamine to be formed in the vicinity of the reuptake point. This collected Dopamine is used by the body for its later uses during the day. Other hormones directly or indirectly responsible for the wakefulness of the person coupled up with the cognitive enhancement of the person are increased. Hormones like Histamine, Norepinephrine and Serotonin are increased.

Let us now look at the uses of the smart drug Provigil:

  • Provigil is one of the best medications for cognitive enhancement by the increase of Dopamine and other hormones in the body.
  • Provigil also improves the executive brain functions of the body.
  • It promotes wakefulness and gives the person clear-headed energy to think.
  • The person feels euphoric and is therefore able to complete tasks easier.
  • Various sleeping disorders like Narcolepsy, sleep apnea are also treated.
  • It also reduces depression and fatigue.

Side Effects

  • Mild headache
  • Nausea
  • Constipation
  • Nervousness
  • Anxiety, etc.
  • In some rare cases, one can experience allergic reactions such as seizures, rashes, etc.

In cases of side effects or allergic reactions, the med should be stopped immediately and proper medical assistance should be given so that the condition of the person is not aggravated.


  • Always inform your doctor about your allergies or prior medication. This will help the doctor in two ways. One, the physiology of the person will be assessed to check if the med is suitable for the person. Two, the medication will be prescribed to you in a dose and strength that helps in the proper benefit the user.
  • Never overdose. Overdosing can lead to serious effects like seizures and rashes.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid this med as it is unknown how the med will affect the physiology of the user.
  • People with cardiac, renal and hepatic ailments are also treated with this smart drug.
  • People with a history of drug abuse should consult the doctor before taking the medication.

Provigil is a very helpful drug for the people who wish to be smarter and take more well refined decisions that help in the accomplishment of their goals. Proper care and precautions can help the person in getting the desired results.


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