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Soma pill: Get your much needed respite from pain

Coming back home from the tough ordeals of the day, we often tend to experience pain on a regular basis. As we sit down we notice this is a common feeling for most of us…

Imagine touching a hot pan; and then as we retract our hand we feel a certain level of discomfort in the affected regions we touched. This unwanted sensation is acute pain that is accompanied with inflammation. Acute pain is known to be the milder version of pain. However it more commonly occurring than chronic pain in the human body. The key difference between chronic and acute pain apart from their intensity is that when the cause of acute pain is taken care of, the pain sensation goes away as well. This is not the case with chronic pain.

There are many medications that have been developed as a measure to counter acute pain. One of the most commonly known compounds is Carisoprodol. Carisoprodol is known to be a centrally acting muscle relaxant that produces a soothing effect and causes the pain relief to be induced in the body.
Soma pain med is the popularly known brand version of Carisoprodol. As such its working is very similar to that of its parent compound. We know that pain travels via the body as electrical signals from the affected limb travelling through the spinal cord ultimately reaching the brain where it is interpreted as pain. The Carisoprodol compound attaches itself to the pain receptors in the body. This in turn blocks the neural pathway of pain in the body. As this happens, the pain signals are unable to reach the pain receptors through which the pain electrical signals flow to the brain. This blockade gives the user the sensation of pain relief, whereas the person is simply blocking the pain signals with the use of this pain med.

Many people however do not consider Soma to be a true muscle relaxant. This is due to the fact that the muscle relaxants normally affect the specific limb, whereas the rest of the body remains the same. In case of Soma though the effect is around the Central Nervous System. As such many people consider Soma as a pseudo muscle relaxer.

Side Effects

  • Mild headache
  • Nervousness, anxiety
  • Dizziness, drowsiness
  • Trouble in breathing, etc.
  • In some rare cases, one experiences allergic reactions.

It is noteworthy to mention that the Soma pain medication is not responsible for the allergic reactions; the person’s physiology also comes into play as well. In case the person experiences any side effects or any allergic reactions, the medication intake of Soma should be stopped immediately and proper medical assistance should be provided.


  • Always inform your doctor about any allergies or any prior medication you might be taking. This helps the doctor prescribe you a Soma medication dose and strength that is suited for your physiology.
  • Never overdose the medication
  • People suffering from other ailments should consult the doctor before taking it
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid the drug.
  • Since this medication causes dizziness, the person using is often advised not to drive or operate heavy machinery when under the influence of the med.


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