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Modalert for the night shift workers

The fast pacing world today knows no fixed working hours. Be it day or night, people work all the time.  Some people work during the day while some work at night. This blog is for the night shift workers who experience difficulty during work and are unable to focus on the work for most part.

First off, let us look at the fact that the biological clock is very innate to the individual. We, human beings, are more programmed to work during the day. The physiological activities are regulated on a daily, monthly or regular basis. Any disruption of the cycle can cause a lot of disorders, ailments that may affect the physiological and the psychological health of the individual.

So how do the night shift workers manage to do so?

Quite frankly, these people rest and sleep during the day. They take ample rest during the day and thereby make their body prepared and rested enough to tackle the challenges of the day. But the downside is that the person cannot at times adjust with the biological change and many ailments may arise. One such ailment is a sleeping disorder called Shift Work disorder.
Shift Work disorder is the ailment that arises when the shift period overlaps that of the regular sleeping period. 

Some of the key characteristics of the disorder are:
  • Excessive sleepiness
  • Insomnia
  • Insufficient sleep
  • Lack of energy
  • Difficulty in maintaining focus
  • Irritability or depression.

People therefore need a medication that can help them stay awake with elevated moods to go through the shift. Smart Drugs are a popular choice in this regard. And what better for the smart category than the very popular Modafinil smart drug or any of its derivative drugs.

Modalert is one such derivative smart drug developed from the Modafinil compound. Modalert is FDA Approved and has been used by the people all over the world efficiently and effectively. Modalert is however a milder brand version of the Modafinil smart drug family and therefore the chances of the person being in serious condition after taking the pill are pretty low.

However one should exercise proper precautions while the consumption of the smart drug.  We will get to that later. 

Let us look at the basic uses of the smart drug:
  • It is a cognitive enhancer that helps in the development of the brain and its executive functions.
  • Modalert is also a wakefulness promoting agent.
  • Various sleeping disorders like Narcolepsy, Sleep apnea, Shift work disorder are treated with the medication.
  • It also helps in the treatment of depression and fatigue.

But how does the drug work?

The drug inhibits the reuptake of the Dopamine neurotransmitter. This makes the Dopamine neurotransmitter to be collected in the form of a pool in the vicinity of the uptake region. This pool creation is used up gradually by the body for its purposes. Other hormones like Histamine, Norepinephrine and Serotonin are also increased. This helps in the proper cognitive enhancement of the brain and subsequent activeness of the person.

Following are some of the precautions that can help in the proper use of the Modalert smart drug:
  • Always inform your doctor about the allergies you have or any prior medications you might be taking.
  • Never overdose the medication
  • Never mix the medication with alcohol or any other smart drug.

Who should avoid the Modalert smart drug?
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women.
  • People with kidney, liver and cardiac ailments.
  • People with allergies towards Modafinil
  • People who have a past history of drug abuse.

Modalert is indeed a helpful drug that helps in the proper cognitive enhancement of the person along with keeping him/her awake during their shift so that they can go through the shift with activeness and alertness.


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